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Alaris is gearing up for our new app launch coming in Q2.  Here's a sneak peek at what's coming soon, plus updates on our Reservations App & newest integrated partner.

And don't miss details below about the recently added Member Kiosk!

New Colors and Fonts!

In the new app design, Alaris will be offering the option to include your company's branded colors and fonts, keeping the member's visual experience harmonious throughout their visit.

All-in-One Apps!

Alaris Apps will be moving into one experience with our first launch in the Programs/Camps App. We'll be expanding to all modules like Kids' Club and Group Ex soon after. Our Apps will also be available in the app store & downloadable to Android & iOS devices. Excited? We are too!


In the upgraded Reservations App Alaris will be offering a brand new layout and more functionality for staff to control capacity. If you've thought about adding bookings for any of your programs, including Personal Training, Group Ex and Summer Camp, please let us know. We'd love to walk you through a demo.

CSI Integration

It is with great excitement that we announce the next partner in our portfolio, CSI Spectrum! We've recently completed a full integration and are excited to open up the door for more customers to enjoy our streamlined software service. If you are a CSI/Daxko customer and interested in learning more, please click on the button below.

New Web-Based Member Kiosk

We've recently released a simple Web-Based Member Kiosk. With a quick, user-friendly flow, this is the perfect way to add another device at pick up time for afterschool or camp programs! Contact us for more details.

Thanks for checking out our newsletter.

For any additional needs or questions please contact us -

We are always happy to hear from you!

With love,

Jeremy and the Alaris Team


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'Tis the season for making wishes come true!


Check out our most recent feature updates

and get a sneak peek at what's on deck for 2024!!


Topics in this edition include:


Group Activity Tracking now available in the Alaris Portal


Creating families & rosters with our new CSV Roster Import 


And great news Reservations 3.0 is almost here....

So let's jump right in!!


1. Group Activity Tracking from any device

Staff want an easy way to track group activities; like lesson plans, arts & crafts, or even naps. Now you can use any device to track these events in the Alaris Portal.

  1. Create activities for groups of kids on your roster in either the Portal or Staff App, whatever is easiest for your team.

  2. Automated daily emails available to send parents & guardians so they know what's been going on in your care.

  3. Option to have the parent login to their own member portal so they can check activities throughout the day!


2. CSV Roster Importing

No member management system? No problem!

Our CSV Roster Import tool is designed to create a digital list of attendees connected to their parents/guardians in Alaris for easy check-in and out.

This way you can track attendance and stay off paper for good.


This feature is designed to work with programs that don't go through a member management system to create their rosters. 


Contact our sales team for more details


3.0 The New Reservations Platform is almost here (Hooray!!)

Alaris is making reservations easy...from start to finish!

We are so excited that our new Reservations 3.0 platform is about to launch. Here are a few enhancements that will be game-changers:

1. A new grid layout to quickly see open spots in your program

2. More real-time admin control for capacity setting and surprise site closures

3. No-show email options to connect with those members who need to be notified

Embed in your app or website for a seamless user experience. With our strong integration component, you can allow or block access based on membership type or services.


It's been a great year and we are so excited about what's to come in 2024!!

Happy Holidays from all of us.

With love —

Jeremy & the Alaris Team

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We are thankful for what we do and excited to share the

Alaris November Newsletter!

Our topics this month include:

How to Create Historical Check-Ins for Kids' Club

Introduction to our Program Registration Platform for next year's camps

Plus we'll show you how to sync members

3 different ways in Alaris

“The more you practice the art of thankfulness, the more you have to be thankful for.”

~ Norman Vincent Peale


1. Never miss a check-in!

You can now create historical check-ins right from the Alaris Portal. Here are 4 easy steps:

  1. Login to the portal, select the facility and search for the child member, click 'view member'

  2. In the top right corner select 'Actions' and then 'Kiosk Check-In'

  3. Follow the prompts to choose the parent or guardian and then the children you want to check-in from their family

  4. Roll back the date and time you need and then sign. That's it!

Power Outage? Wifi Out? No worries!

We know things happen - the power goes out, wifi stops working, a tablet gets spilled on...

and we don't want you to miss a thing! Plus, with our offline child watch mode, you can still know who is in your care at all times.


 2. Summer Camp....Now??

Alaris is already thinking about summer...

It's just starting to feel like fall and Thanksgiving is right around the corner, but you can bet parents will be signing up their kids for summer camps once the new year hits.

Our customers needed a streamlined program registration

so we did what we always do and got to work!

The Alaris white-labeled registration site enables you to connect your members & non-members to their account, signup and pay for camps, swim classes or events. Alaris creates rosters from those enrollments in our web-based portal so you can collect attendance and track important participant info. We give you admin control to create new programs, descriptive content and ongoing sessions so you don't have to rely on us when you want to add revenue generating programs.

We continue to develop our online registration platform with the user experience in mind.

If you'd like to learn more please contact our team at


3. Is the number of ways you can sync a member in Alaris.

That's right, there are 3 ways to pull in member updates from your management system into Alaris. Follow any of these steps to do a real-time sync event!

1. From the Staff App you can click on a child member and then the 'Family' tab. Use the cloud button next to the Adult family members to sync. 2. In the Portal, from the 'Members' tab, find the member and click on them to see a pop out screen. The sync button is right at the top. 3. Also in the Portal, from the member information page you can click on 'Actions' and then select 'Sync' from the dropdown menu.

Helpful tip: To maintain your member management system as your main source of truth be sure to always make member changes there first and then use the sync buttons to pull in the new info into Alaris. This keeps the data squeaky clean!


We would like to take a moment to say THANK YOU for all the wonderful feedback, kindness and patience shared by your teams throughout the year.

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve you everyday!

With love —

Jeremy & the Alaris Team

Alaris 5350 W. Bell Rd Suite 122, #605, Glendale, AZ, 85308, United States

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